1. From X1 Visa to Residence Permit / X1签证换发学习类居留许可
International students holding an X1 visa shall apply for Residence Permit from the Entry-exit Administration of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau) within 30 days after arrival in China. Late applicants will be deemed to be staying illegally and will be imposed a penalty as prescribed by the law. The documents required for the application of the residence permit are as follows:
★Valid passport;
★Physical Examination Certification issued by the Beijing International Travel Health Care Center;
★The Visa Application Notice issued by the International Students & Scholars Center;
★The Admission Notice of Tsinghua University
★The Visa Application for Study in China (JW201 or JW202 Form);
★One passport-size photo (front facing, without hat, white background);
★Photocopy of the Registration Form of Temporary Residence.
After the Residence Permit has been obtained, the student must renew their Registration Form of Temporary Residence within 24 hours after the new residence permit has been issued.
How to the apply and obtain a Registration Form of Temporary Residence:
1) Students living in off-campus private accommodation should take their passport to their local police station.
2) Students living in hotels should take their passport to the building’s reception.
3) Students living in on-campus international students’ accommodation should take their passport to the building’s reception.
★北京市国际旅行卫生保健中心开具的 《外国留学人员来华签证体检证明》原件
★ 一张2寸(护照规格)的正面免冠照片(白色背景)
2. Extension of Residence Permit/ 学习类居留许可延期
The following documents are required for the extension of a residence permit:
★Valid passport;
★The Visa Application Notice issued by the International Students & Scholars Center;
★One passport-size photo (front facing, without hat, white background);
★Photocopy of the Registration Form of Temporary Residence.
After the Residence Permit has been obtained, the student must renew their Registration Form of Temporary Residence within 24 hours after the new residence permit has been issued.
How to the apply and obtain a Registration Form of Temporary Residence:
1) Students living in off-campus private accommodation should take their passport to their local police station.
2) Students living in hotels should take their passport to the building' s reception.
3) Students living in on-campus international students’ accommodation should take their passport to the building' s reception.
★ 一张2寸(护照规格)的正面免冠照片(背景为白色)
3. X2 Visa Extension or Adding of Entries/ X2签证延期或加次
For students who need to extend their visa or increase the number of entries on their X2 visa, they should apply at the International Students & Scholars Center, and bring the following documents:
★Valid passport;
★The Admission Notice of Tsinghua University (original and photocopy)
★The Visa Application for Study in China (JW201 or JW202 Original Form);
★The Visa Application Notice issued by the International Students & Scholars Center;
★Two passport-size photos (front facing, without hat, white background);
★Photocopy of the Registration Form of Temporary Residence.
After the Residence Permit has been obtained, the student must renew their Registration Form of Temporary Residence within 24 hours after the new residence permit has been issued.
How to the apply and obtain a Registration Form of Temporary Residence:
1) Students living in off-campus private accommodation should take their passport to their local police station.
2) Students living in hotels should take their passport to the building’s reception.
3) Students living in on-campus international students’ accommodation should take their passport to the building’s reception.
★ 一张2寸(护照规格)的正面免冠照片(背景为白色)
4. From X2 Visa to Residence Permit/ X2签证换发学习类居留许可
For students who need to extend the duration of their Residence Permit, they should apply at least one week before the date of expiration, and should provide the following:
★Valid passport;
★Physical Examination Certification issued by the Beijing International Travel Health Care Center;
★The Admission Notice of Tsinghua University (original and photocopy)
★The Visa Application for Study in China (JW201 or JW202 Original Form);
★The Visa Application Notice issued by the International Students & Scholars Center;
★One passport-size photo (front facing, without hat, white background);
★Photocopy of the Registration Form of Temporary Residence.
After the Residence Permit has been obtained, the student must renew their Registration Form of Temporary Residence within 24 hours after the new residence permit has been issued.
How to the apply and obtain a Registration Form of Temporary Residence:
1) Students living in off-campus private accommodation should take their passport to their local police station.
2) Students living in hotels should take their passport to the building’s reception.
3) Students living in on-campus international students’ accommodation should take their passport to the building’s reception.
★ 一张2寸(护照规格)的正面免冠照片(背景为白色)
5. Internship Annotation/实习加注申请
For students who will apply for an internship annotation, they must currently be holding a Residence Permit (those currently holding an X1 or X2 visa cannot apply for an internship annotation). The materials required to be prepared include: No. Material Name
1) Photocopy of valid passport photo page and current visa (black and white, or color)
2) Visa/Stay Permit/Residence Permit Application Form(With stamp of inviting company/institution and ISSC) (download.docx)
3) Internship Approval Letter with signatures and stamps by the applicant’s department/school and ISSC (download.docx)
4) Internship Certification Letter provided by the inviting company/institution(With stamp) (download.docx)
5) Valid passport
6) Valid Registration Form of Temporary Residence
7) Inviting Company/institution Information Form (企业信息采集表.docx), provided by the inviting company/institution. If the application materials will be directly delivered by the inviting company/institution to the Exit-entry Administration of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau on the student’s behalf, this material does not need to be collected by the student.
8) Photocopy of inviting company/institution’s Business License provided by the inviting company/institution that is affixed with their official stamp seal. If the application materials will be directly delivered by the inviting company/institution to the Exit-entry Administration of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau on the student’s behalf, this material does not need to be collected by the student.
(1)Please pay attention that the content filled in items 3 & 4 should be exactly the same, including the order of each internship item, and the word “工作” should not appear in this category (“实习内容”).
(2)According to the laws of China and regulations of the Exit-Entry Administration, the internship content must be related to the majors in school. The relevance must be reflected in the content of items 3 & 4 (e.g. Foreign Language majors may join in translation-related internships; Economic Management majors may join in market or finance internships; Law majors may join in legal affairs internships, etc.).
(3)Internship Annotation must be applied for before the internship begins. The starting date of the "Internship period" in items 3 & 4 cannot be earlier than the submission date of the application. We suggest doing the application at least 2 weeks in advance.
(4)All contents, except the applicant’s name, shall be filled in Chinese.
(5)The above documents and forms are suggested to be filled in by computer. If completed by hand, please use a black pen.
1. 护照首页和签证页复印件
3. 经院系和学生学者中心签字盖章的实习同意函(附件.docx)
4. 单位或企业实习证明(经实习单位盖章的)(附件.docx)
5. 有效护照
6. 有效临时住宿登记表
7. 企业信息采集表 (附件.docx)(如实习单位代办,则不需要自行收集)
8. 用人单位或企业营业执照复印件并加盖单位或企业公章(如实习单位代办,则不需要自行收集)
6. Study-work Annotation / 勤工助学加注申请I. Application Conditions:1. Applicants must be over eighteen years old and in good physical health.2. Applicants should be undergraduate, master's, or doctoral students who have been studying continuously at the university for more than one year.3. Applicants must hold a valid study-type residence permit, with a remaining validity of more than six months. If the remaining validity period of the residence permit is less than six months, but the applicants will study at the university for more than six months, they can apply for an extension of the residence permit at the same time as applying for the study-work annotation.4. Applicants must comply with Chinese laws and regulations, as well as university rules and regulations, demonstrate good conduct, and have no record of law violation. In the past year, the applicant must have not received any official warning or disciplinary action from the university.5. Applicants are required to have a clean behavioral record, demonstrating high moral standards and adherence to societal norms, without any incidents that negatively impact social order or ethics.6. Applicants participating in off-campus study-work programs must adhere to the school's educational curriculum without deviation. Additionally, they are expected to maintain satisfactory academic performance and attendance levels in accordance with the school’s criteria.II. Application Materials:1. Passport2. Study-type residence permit3. Accommodation registration (screenshot from mobile phone)4. One two-inch white background passport photos 5. Proof of purchase of the study-work program insurance (screenshot from mobile phone)6. Foreigner's visa application form 7. Proof of intended employment 8. Employer information form 9. Letter of consent for off-campus study-work 10. Letter of commitment 11. Study-work program agreement (for reference, please send e-copy to
[email protected] after signed)III. Application Process:
I.申请条件:1、申请人年满十八周岁,身体健康状况良好;2、申请人为已在学校连续学习一年以上的本科生、硕士生或博士生; 3、申请人在中国境内持有有效学习类居留证件,且剩余有效居留时间为六个月以上。如居留许可剩余有效期不足,但申请未来在校学习时间长于六个月,可以在申请勤工助学加注的同时申请居留许可延期;4、申请人遵守中国法律法规和学校校纪校规,品行端正、表现良好,无违法犯罪记录,在过去一年中没有受到过学校警告及以上纪律处分;5、申请人无因道德品质低劣、违反社会公序良俗,造成不良影响的行为记录; 6、申请人进行校外勤工助学不违反其在校培养计划,学业进展和出勤率达到学校要求II.申请材料:1、 护照2、 学习类居留许可3、 有效的住宿登记(手机截屏)4、 2寸白底证件照5、 勤工助学保险购买凭证(手机截屏)6、 外国人签证证件申请表(模板1)7、 拟聘用证明(模板2)8、 用人单位信息采集表(模板3)9、 校外勤工助学同意函(模板4)10、 承诺函(模板5)11、 勤工助学协议书(模板6,参考使用。签署后请发送扫描件至
[email protected])III.申请流程: